December 01, 2011

Posted by John

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Just over a month ago, I presented on storing stats in MongoDB at MongoChi 2011. 10Gen posted the video recently, so I thought I would share it here. The first 5 minutes or so are a bit rough, but it improves after that. I’ll be presenting the same thing at MongoSV next week if you want to catch it live.

I’ve also embedded the slides below.


  1. Martin Westin Martin Westin

    Jan 20, 2012

    Looks like a very interesting talk. I hope you will do it again, so that you might get a video with a better audio track. All that cellphone static kind-of ruined it for me. (jumping to minute 5 or so and it does get better)

    One question regarding one of my least favorite problems to solve with storing and displaying statistics.
    How about timezones?
    Are they not a problem because each “site” is set to a certain timezone?

  2. @Martin Westin: I get around that by encoding the data in the timezone based on whatever is picked. Data for a given gauge can only be viewed in that gauges timezone.

  3. Joffrey Joffrey

    Mar 05, 2012

    Anyone reading this, should also read

    John, just so you know, I could pay 50$ for a detailled ebook on the subject great idea and implementation.

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a web developer and programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Mongo. More about John.


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