Turning MongoDB Into a Search Engine
I know you all think I am only going to post about Ruby and MongoDB so I have decided to shock you with a Pythong post. Yes, that typo was intentional. I always refer to Pythong as Pythong.
Anyway, recently, Harry Marr wrote up some thoughts on how to use MongoDB as a full text search engine.
The post was a fun read and the code is also up on Github. Enjoy all you pythongistas out there!
Mar 29, 2010
I did this for work a few months ago. It’s basically a spider with a limited full-text search. It was shockingly easy (and fun fun fun). I’ll see if I can release the code. It looks like he went way farther on the search side than I did (I cared more about the indexing side). Oh, and I used MongoMapper too, of course.
Jan 16, 2012
I was also using mongodb for full text search into my products for an intranet based webapp but that’s not having rank algorithm at all. But I recently got an MongoDB plugin, MongoLantern which can do ranking and fulltext search using MongoDB in a very efficient way. You can also try use it and post your reviews.
Jan 30, 2016
Hi there, I’m engineering student and I’m thinking about making project using MongoDB.
I basically want to make a search engine but not exact keyword based so I don’t have to be specific for topic.
I’m thinking about making similar topic document clusters for easy accesing.
But I have no idea is it possible using this because of course I’m beginner.
Any suggestions?
(Sorry for my bad English)
Thoughts? Do Tell...